And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Romans 13:11, 12.
Our world is reaching the end of its last night. For a long time the inhabitants of this planet have ignored the invitations and warnings that we have been giving.
Nevertheless, we have been given a little more time to reach those who have not yet been given the opportunity to be saved.
The perils of the last days are upon us, and in our work we are to warn the people of the danger they are in. Let not the solemn scenes which prophecy has revealed be left untouched. If our people were half awake, if they realized the nearness of the events portrayed in the Revelation, a reformation would be wrought in our churches, and many more would believe the message. We have no time to lose; God calls upon us to watch for souls as they that must give an account. *1
We must call all those souls whom Jesus loved so much, that He died on the cross to redeem. It is his wish that everyone may obtain eternal life. We cannot let others discourage us. Let us sound the trumpet announcing that Christ is coming.
Men are putting afar off the coming of the Lord. They laugh at warnings. The proud boast is made, "All things continue as they were from the beginning." "Tomorrow shall be as this day and much more abundant." 2 Peter 3:4; Isa. 56:12. We will go deeper into pleasure loving. But Christ says, "Behold, I come as a thief." Rev. 16:15. At the very time when the world is asking in scorn, "Where is the promise of his coming?" the signs are fulfilling. While they cry, "Peace and safety," sudden destruction is coming. When the scorner, the rejecter of truth, has become presumptuous; when the routine of work in the various money-making lines is carried on without regard to principle; when the student is eagerly seeking knowledge of everything but his Bible, Christ comes as a thief. *2
This call is also made to us, so that we may prepare for what is to come very soon.
Transgression has almost reached its limit. Confusion fills the world, and a great terror is soon to come upon human beings. The end is very near. We who know the truth should be preparing for what is soon to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise. *3
The Lord has provided sufficient light so that His coming does not take us by surprise.
The advent of Christ will surprise the false teachers. They are saying, "Peace and safety." Like the priests and teachers before the fall of Jerusalem, they look for the church to enjoy earthly prosperity and glory. The signs of the times they interpret as foreshadowing this. But what saith the Word of Inspiration? "Sudden destruction cometh upon them." 1 Thessalonians 5:3… *2
Jerusalem’s leaders ignored the signs and prophecies that had fulfilled. Similarly, today’s leaders have also have ignored the prophecies and signs of the end. Therefore, sudden destruction comes upon them.
The Lord has done more for the United States than for any other country upon which the sun shines. Here He provided an asylum for His people, where they could worship Him according to the dictates of conscience. Here Christianity has progressed in its purity. The life-giving doctrine of the one Mediator between God and man has been freely taught. God designed that this country should ever remain free for all people to worship Him in accordance with the dictates of conscience. He designed that its civil institutions, in their expansive productions, should represent the freedom of gospel privileges. *4
Interestingly, just as Jerusalem has long been favored by God, so has the United States. Here, we obtained religious freedom which allowed the preaching of the gospel and the opportunity to worship God.
But the enemy of all righteousness has designs upon God's purpose for this country. He will bring in enterprises that will lead men to forget that there is a God. Worldliness and covetousness, which is idolatry, will prevail through the working of the archdeceiver, till the law of God, in all its bearings, shall be made void. *4
Unfortunately, as was the case with Jerusalem will repeat this nation. We already see the effects by means of evil, violence and moral decay. The love of riches and earthly things has led people to forget God. Such is the condition of the world.
The restraining Spirit of God is even now being withdrawn from the world. Hurricanes, storms, tempests, disasters by sea and by land, follow one another in quick succession. The signs thickening around us, telling of the near approach of the Son of God, are attributed to any other than the true cause. *5
We see the beginnings of God’s judgments because the Lord is gradually removing His protection. Therefore, the enemy is allowed to cause major disasters and loss of life. But there will come a time when this nation will completely separate itself from God.
By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation [the United States] will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. *6
As the approach of the Roman armies was a sign to the disciples of the impending destruction of Jerusalem, so may this apostasy be a sign to us that the limit of God's forbearance is reached, that the measure of our nation's iniquity is full, and that the angel of mercy is about to take her flight, never to return. The people of God will then be plunged into those scenes of affliction and distress which prophets have described as the time of Jacob's trouble. The cries of the faithful, persecuted ones ascend to heaven. And as the blood of Abel cried from the ground, there are voices also crying to God from martyrs' graves, from the sepulchers of the sea, from mountain caverns, from convents vaults: "How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? Revelation 6:10. *6
Therefore, indeed, I send you prophets, wise men, and scribes: some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues and persecute from city to city, that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. Assuredly, I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation. Matthew 23:34-36
If we recall the words of Jesus, the blood of the saints from Abel to Zechariah would come over Jerusalem. But the blood of all the saints of all times will be come over this nation and the world. The Lord will soon take off the robes of justice and mercy and will put on the garments of vengeance.
But the faithful, those who have remained on the side justice, those who have looked to the heaven and Jesus to transform their hearts will be welcomed with open arms when the Lord returns. Finally, the blood of the righteous shall be avenged.
Christ will restore the life taken; for He is the Life-giver: He will beautify the righteous with immortal life. *6
Do you desire to be beautified with immortal life?
1* Maranatha, "132. External Parade of Heathen Power”, Ellen g. White
2* Maranatha, "136. The Criers Of Peace”, Ellen g. White
3* Maranatha "130. A Great Terror Soon To Come", Ellen g. White
4* Maranatha, "185. America in Prophecy, Ellen g. White
5* Maranatha, "167. Troubled Times Right Upon Us", Ellen g. White
6* Maranatha, "191. Martyrs In The Last Days", Ellen g. White
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