Blow the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; for the day of the LORD is coming, for it is at hand: A day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, like the morning clouds spread over the mountains. A people come, great and strong, the like of whom has never been; nor will there ever be any such after them, even for many successive generations. Joel 2:1, 2.
As long as there are many asleep, many sporting away the precious hours in careless indifference, as it were, upon the very brink of the eternal world, those who do believe must be sober, must be awake, must be earnest and diligent, and watch unto prayer. *1
Perhaps these words may seem repetitive. For many the Lord's coming is a distant event. It's something that will happen in the far-away future. People live everyday believing that they will have the opportunity to live a full life, without commitments, enjoying all of life’s pleasures.
Few people look to heaven and understand that the end is near. There are few who cry out to the Lord day and night for Him to return. While the Lord's blessings continue pouring over us, we think there is time and that there is no need for Jesus to return yet. The servant of the Lord calls it a "careless indifference."
Many are blinded to the pain and suffering that individuals experience every day around the world. In looking at recent events we see the hopelessness that people have. Many have lost all of their belongings, they have seen their life’s work turn to nothing in seconds. Others have lost their health, lost their limbs, lost their lives in recent disasters. Others experience the anguish of losing a loved one. Many go to bed hungry and worried considering that the next day will again have no way of providing for their families. Children suffer and dye every day.
One person described his anguish in this latest disaster. The waves had swept his house out to sea, while he and his wife were still inside. Desperately, he had been looking for her everywhere as he considered the possibility of never seeing his wife again.
The blessings that God continues to spill over His children are to be employed in the work of saving souls. They are intended for the purpose of preaching the gospel, so that Christ may return soon and end this world of pain and suffering.
While the final night of this world is about to end we must focus to the eternal and seek the anointing of the Holy Spirit. We need the Lord to return, we need to save the hopeless souls.
Everything that happens around us is to awaken and prepare all for the big day.
The church, soon to enter upon her most severe conflict, will be the object most dear to God upon earth. The confederacy of evil will be stirred with power from beneath, and Satan will cast all the reproach possible upon the chosen ones whom he cannot deceive and delude with his satanic inventions and falsehoods. But exalted "to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and remission of sins," will Christ, our representative and head, close His heart, or withdraw His hand, or falsify His promise? No; never, never. *2
There is to be, at this period, a series of events which will reveal that God is Master of the situation. The truth will be proclaimed in clear, unmistakable language. As a people, we must prepare the way of the Lord, under the overruling guidance of the Holy Spirit. The gospel is to be given in its purity. The stream of living water is to deepen and widen in its course. In all fields, nigh and afar off, men will be called from the plow and from the more common commercial business vocations that largely occupy the mind, and will be educated in connection with men of experience. As they learn to labor effectively, they will proclaim the truth with power. Through most wonderful workings of divine providence, mountains of difficulties will be removed, and cast into the sea. The message that means so much to the dwellers upon the earth will be heard and understood. Men will know what is truth. Onward, and still onward the work will advance, until the whole earth shall have been warned. And then shall the end come. *3
The message of salvation will come to all. And as we begin the great time of trouble, while we are in trials and difficulties, heavenly rays of hope will shine in our lives. God is on our side. In that time, when probation closes not a single Christian will perish. Just as they were protected during the destruction of Jerusalem and just as Lot and his daughters were protected by angels so too shall we.
Not one Christian perished in the destruction of Jerusalem. Christ had given His disciples warning, and all who believed His words watched for the promised sign. "When ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies," said Jesus, "then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out." Luke 21:20, 21. *4
But for the angels of God, they would all have perished in the ruin of Sodom. The heavenly messengers took him and his wife and daughters by the hand and led them out of the city. *5
We cannot know how much we owe to Christ for the peace and protection which we enjoy. *4
In the form of men, angels are often in the assemblies of the righteous; and they visit the assemblies of the wicked, as they went to Sodom, to make a record of their deeds, to determine whether they have passed the boundary of God's forbearance. The Lord delights in mercy; and for the sake of a few who really serve Him, He restrains calamities and prolongs the tranquillity of multitudes. Little do sinners against God realize that they are indebted for their own lives to the faithful few whom they delight to ridicule and oppress. *6
But those who heed the warning shall dwell "in the secret place of the Most High," and "abide under the shadow of the Almighty." His truth shall be their shield and buckler. For them is the promise, "With long life will I satisfy him, and show him My salvation." Psalm 91:1, 4, 16. *5
When probation closes, never more shall the blood of the saints be spilled. All cases will have been decided and God will soon come to avenge the blood of the righteous who cry out since the time of Abel.
The eye of God, looking down the ages, was fixed upon the crisis which His people are to meet, when earthly powers shall be arrayed against them. Like the captive exile, they will be in fear of death by starvation or by violence. But the Holy One who divided the Red Sea before Israel, will manifest His mighty power and turn their captivity. "They shall be Mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up My jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him." Malachi 3:17. If the blood of Christ's faithful witnesses were shed at this time, it would not, like the blood of the martyrs, be as seed sown to yield a harvest for God. Their fidelity would not be a testimony to convince others of the truth; for the obdurate heart has beaten back the waves of mercy until they return no more. If the righteous were now left to fall a prey to their enemies, it would be a triumph for the prince of darkness. Says the psalmist: "In the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion: in the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me." Psalm 27:5. Christ has spoken: "Come, My people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, the Lord cometh out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity." Isaiah 26:20, 21. Glorious will be the deliverance of those who have patiently waited for His coming and whose names are written in the book of life. *6
We should not make any preparation in terms of food and shelter in the last days. Did God forget Elijah when he was alone in the cave?
I saw the saints leaving the cities and towns, and gather in groups to live in remote areas.Angels provided them food and water, while the wicked suffer from hunger and thirst. * 7
The people of God will not be free from suffering; but while persecuted and distressed, while they endure privation and suffer for want of food they will not be left to perish. That God who cared for Elijah will not pass by one of His self-sacrificing children. He who numbers the hairs of their head will care for them, and in time of famine they shall be satisfied. While the wicked are dying from hunger and pestilence, angels will shield the righteous and supply their wants. To him that "walketh righteously" is the promise: "Bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure." "When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirst, I the Lord will hear them, I the God of Israel will not forsake them." Isaiah 33:15, 16; 41:17. *6
The protection of God shall manifest, especially, when the decree of death is made. We will be protected by the heavenly host.
The heavenly sentinels, faithful to their trust, continue their watch. Though a general decree has fixed the time when commandment keepers may be put to death, their enemies will in some cases anticipate the decree, and before the time specified, will endeavor to take their lives. But none can pass the mighty guardians stationed about every faithful soul. Some are assailed in their flight from the cities and villages; but the swords raised against them break and fall powerless as a straw. Others are defended by angels in the form of men of war. *6
Though the rulers of this world know it not, yet often in their councils angels have been spokesmen. Human eyes have looked upon them; human ears have listened to their appeals; human lips have opposed their suggestions and ridiculed their counsels; human hands have met them with insult and abuse. In the council hall and the court of justice these heavenly messengers have shown an intimate acquaintance with human history; they have proved themselves better able to plead the cause of the oppressed than were their ablest and most eloquent defenders. They have defeated purposes and arrested evils that would have greatly retarded the work of God and would have caused great suffering to His people. In the hour of peril and distress "the angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them." Psalm 34:7. *6
We have an amazing promise. God's eyes will be over His people and His careful protection will be upon us through heavenly angels. God will not forget his people!
Jacob's history is also an assurance that God will not cast off those who have been deceived and tempted and betrayed into sin, but who have returned unto Him with true repentance. While Satan seeks to destroy this class, God will send His angels to comfort and protect them in the time of peril. The assaults of Satan are fierce and determined, his delusions are terrible; but the Lord's eye is upon His people, and His ear listens to their cries. *6
Will the Lord forget His people in this trying hour? Did He forget faithful Noah when judgments were visited upon the antediluvian world? Did He forget Lot when the fire came down from heaven to consume the cities of the plain? Did He forget Joseph surrounded by idolaters in Egypt? Did He forget Elijah when the oath of Jezebel threatened him with the fate of the prophets of Baal? Did He forget Jeremiah in the dark and dismal pit of his prison house? Did He forget the three worthies in the fiery furnace? or Daniel in the den of lions? *6
Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of My hands." Isaiah 49:14-16. The Lord of hosts has said: "He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of His eye." Zechariah 2:8. *6
No matter in what remote, dark, desolate place we find ourselves in, in the days God will be with us.
Though enemies may thrust them into prison, yet dungeon walls cannot cut off the communication between their souls and Christ. One who sees their every weakness, who is acquainted with every trial, is above all earthly powers; and angels will come to them in lonely cells, bringing light and peace from heaven. The prison will be as a palace; for the rich in faith dwell there, and the gloomy walls will be lighted up with heavenly light as when Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises at midnight in the Philippian dungeon. *6
But only those who have now made the necessary preparations, will receive His protection. Only those who are watching and praying.
The great controversy is nearing its end. Every report of calamity by sea or land is a testimony to the fact that the end of all things is at hand. Wars and rumors of wars declare it. Is there a Christian whose pulse does not beat with quickened action as he anticipates the great events opening before us? The Lord is coming. We hear the footsteps of an approaching God. *1
1 * Maranatha, "212. High Time To Awake”, Ellen g. White.
2 * Maranatha, "195. The Church Appears To Fall", Ellen g. White.
3 * Maranatha, "210. The Angel of Revelation 18 ", Ellen g. White.
4 * The Great Controversy, 1. The Destruction of Jerusalem ", Ellen g. White.
5 * Patriarchs and Prophets, 14. The Destruction of Sodom ", Ellen White.
6 * The Great Controversy, "39. The Time of Trouble ", Ellen White.
7 * Maranatha, "262. Angelic Protection In The Time Of Trouble", Ellen g. White.
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