Our Lord Jesus was very clear in saying, but of that day and hour no one knows…*1
The setting of dates for Christ's return or the end of the world is against God's Word. While we know that Jesus is coming we don’t know the exact date. So we must watch and pray at all times. We know that the signs point to the soon return of Christ. The whole world knows that something is about to happen. But what if we preach that the world will end in 2012 and the Lord comes in 2009 or even 2010?
I ask, what is of greater concern, the date in which the Lord will come or the fact that he is coming? The enemy is using many tools at his disposal to deceive and will even go as far as imitating Christ's return! I have the certainty that we are in the end time. I am sure that our cases are being examined and that the door of grace is closing rapidly. Our duty is to be ready at all times.
In what does it profit a man to know that Jesus will come in 2012 if death surprises him tonight?
When we focus on heaven and on Jesus Christ, we receive the Holy Spirit who awakens us from the spiritual sleep we are in and prepares us every day. Most people who hear of these dates and the end of the world are fearful. But what do we fear?
For us the end of the world is the return of Jesus, its heaven where we will live eternally happy with our loved ones.
I read an article which stated that some children had sent letters in saying, "I'm too young to die," and parents saying, "I will not be able to see my children grow up."
This leads me to wonder why people wish to continue living in this world of evil and suffering with all that the Lord has prepared for us in heaven. Are we simply saying, "Jesus is coming" but inside are more worried about work and other earthly plans?
The servant of the Lord reminds us that if we would have cried out for the power of the Holy Spirit, it would have been already been bestowed upon us. If would have cried out to Christ to return and if we would have strived to work for his cause, the Lord would have already come.
Let us unite in prayer, asking to receive the refreshing power of the latter rain and praying that Jesus returns soon.
The wise virgins who still had oil in their lamps went to the wedding of the Lamb, the foolish virgins were not allowed inside and the bridegroom said to them, “assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.” * 2 The parable ends, “watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming." the parable ends. *3
1 * Matthew 24:36
2 * Matthew 25:12
3 * Matthew 25:13
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