In these difficult times our dependence in the Lord must increase. The enemy has unleashed every weapon in his arsenal so that few saved. Understanding that he and his angels lost the battle from the moment that Jesus resurrected, his sole purpose is to destroy humanity. But now that he knows there is little time the satan is doing everything in his power to achieve this goal. What horrible thought, the enemy knows that the Lord is coming but we do not. The enemy is preparing for the last great battle but we still are not.
The cosmic conflict is about to reach its conclusion. Since his fall, Lucifer has done everything possible to deceive and destroy God's government. For over 6,000 years he has attacked the seed of Eve, trying to prevent anyone from being saved. That is because if only one person is saved his argument against God's rule is invalidated. The death and resurrection of Jesus and the salvation of mankind reveals God's infinite love. His desire that we all live in heaven for all eternity proves to the entire universe that it is possible to live happily following his holy and righteous laws.
The question is simple. What are you doing to ensure your entry into heaven? Our salvation is a day to day matter. The Navy SEAL's have a saying, "The only easy day was yesterday." In this cosmic conflict the only easy day was yesterday. Today we fight hand in hand with Jesus because we do not know what tomorrow will bring, if in fact tomorrow comes. The difference however, is that Jesus has already conquered. It will be an uphill battle but with the power of the Holy Spirit we will be more than victorious through Jesus Christ. Take the armor of Christ, let us contemplate Him every day and endeavor to preach the Gospel so we may hasten His return. The final reward will exceed what we could ever imagine, heaven!
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