For many years I have heard that the origin of life, the origin of man was a big explosion. But theories like the big bang and evolution leave many unanswered questions.In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth .*1
Because these theories fail to explain the origin of everything, many believe that God created this process whether it is called evolution or intelligent design. The enemy is extremely astute. Seeing as though it is impossible to explain the origin of the universe without God, he combines the truth with lies. The enemy uses the Bible and concedes that God exists but distorts the role that He plays in our lives. In reality God, is interested and engaged in even the most insignificant aspects of our lives.
Believing in God as our creator requires faith but there is more than enough evidence in nature to believe that God exists and that He is our Creator. Many times we are criticized for thinking like a child. Some philosophers say that the belief in God is a tactic used to brainwash people and keep them in a childlike state. However, Jesus himself said,
“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”.*2
It’s interesting that the Lord tells us that if we do not receive the kingdom of heaven as a child we will not enter it. Jesus was referring to the trust and faith that a child has towards his father. A child does not ask for evidence before believing what his father tells him. By faith the child believes knowing that his father loves him and tells him the truth.
Do we not believe in our heavenly father? Do we not trust that he loves us and that the vast universe was created by his hand? Can we easily accept these manmade theories which are unable to explain the mysteries of life?
At the end of the day I wonder who will be happier. I live each day thinking that I was created in the image and likeness of God*3 and that I did not come to this world by luck or accident. I live each day believing that God has a purpose and a plan for me and that I expect a better life in heaven.
On the other hand, you may choose to live life enjoying all the temporary pleasures of this world thinking there is nothing more than this. You may chose to live life thinking that you are a product of mutations and randomness and that this world of pain and suffering is all that exist in this vast universe. You may choose to believe that this world of hollow happiness is the best we will ever know. But at the end of the day who will be happier?
When you trust that God is our creator, that He is in control of everything and that He has prepared mansions for us in heaven it creates a "blessed hope" that gives life true meaning and purpose each day. I challenge you to Experience the blessings and true happiness that God can bring to your life. I challenge you to believe that your life has a purpose which can be fulfilled by allowing Jesus into your heart.
1 * Genesis 1:1
2 * Mark 10:14-15
3 * Genesis 1:26
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